

package sequences

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait BIOETag[+L] extends AnyRef

    A BIOETag is a tag that us to represent epic.sequences.Segmentations as epic.sequences.TaggedSequences.

  2. trait CRF[L, W] extends Serializable

    A -Markov Linear Chain Conditional Random Field.

  3. class CRFInference[L, W] extends AugmentableInference[TaggedSequence[L, W], Anchoring[L, W]] with CRF[L, W] with AnnotatingInference[TaggedSequence[L, W]] with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1 )
  4. class CRFModel[L, W] extends Model[TaggedSequence[L, W]] with Model[TaggedSequence[L, W]] with Serializable

  5. trait Gazetteer[+L, W] extends SurfaceFeaturizer[W] with WordFeaturizer[W]

    A Gazeteer is a map from IndexedSeq[W]->L.

  6. case class GazetteerSpanFeature(label: Any) extends Feature with Product with Serializable

  7. case class GazetteerWordFeature(label: Any) extends Feature with Product with Serializable

  8. trait GoldSegmentPolicy[L] extends AnyRef

  9. class HammingLossAugmentation[L, W] extends LossAugmentation[Segmentation[L, W], Anchoring[L, W]]


  10. case class Segmentation[+L, +W](segments: IndexedSeq[(L, Span)], words: IndexedSeq[W], id: String = "") extends Example[IndexedSeq[(L, Span)], IndexedSeq[W]] with Product with Serializable

  11. class SegmentationModelFactory[L] extends LazyLogging

    Factory class for making a epic.sequences.SemiCRFModel based on some data and an optional gazetteer.

  12. trait SemiCRF[L, W] extends Serializable

    A Semi-Markov Linear Chain Conditional Random Field, that is, the length of time spent in a state may be longer than 1 tick.

  13. class SemiCRFInference[L, W] extends AugmentableInference[Segmentation[L, W], Anchoring[L, W]] with SemiCRF[L, W] with Serializable

    @SerialVersionUID( 1 )
  14. class SemiCRFModel[L, W] extends Model[Segmentation[L, W]] with Serializable

  15. case class TaggedSequence[+L, +W](tags: IndexedSeq[L], words: IndexedSeq[W], id: String = "") extends Example[IndexedSeq[L], IndexedSeq[W]] with Product with Serializable

    A tagged sequence has a sequence of tags and a sequence of words that are in one-to-one correspondence.

  16. class TaggedSequenceModelFactory[L] extends SafeLogging

Value Members

  1. object BIOETag

  2. object CRF extends Serializable

  3. object Gazetteer extends Serializable

  4. object GoldSegmentPolicy

  5. object HMM

    HiddenMarkovModel, which is the generative special case of a epic.sequences.CRF.

  6. object SegmentText extends ProcessTextMain[SemiCRF[Any, String], Segmentation[Any, String]]

    Simple class that reads in a bunch of files and parses them.

  7. object Segmentation extends Serializable

  8. object SegmentationEval extends LazyLogging

    Object for evaluating epic.sequences.Segmentations.

  9. object SegmentationModelFactory

  10. object SemiCRF extends Serializable

  11. object SemiCRFModel extends Serializable

  12. object SemiConllNerPipeline extends LazyLogging

  13. object SemiNerPipeline extends LazyLogging

  14. object SemiPOSTagger extends LazyLogging

    Mostly for debugging SemiCRFs.

  15. object TagText extends ProcessTextMain[CRF[AnnotatedLabel, String], TaggedSequence[AnnotatedLabel, String]]

    Simple class that reads in a bunch of files and tags them.

  16. object TaggedSequenceEval

    Object for evaluating epic.sequences.TaggedSequences.

  17. object TaggedSequenceModelFactory

  18. object TrainPosTagger extends LazyLogging
